Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012

back again

So after a huuuge break, from updating that is, heres some latest stuff.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Friday, July 27, 2012

rock and roll.

More paintings.
This time im into dota2, so the sniper guys is ...err... sniper from dota2, and in the last one i tried to capture the same feeling as in one illustration made for ogre magi, were i really like the colors.

bust practice.

I still need training in faces, and better understading of the planes, the middle guy is Robert Downey Jr, and it was the only one made from reference.

the big picture.

So in these picture im trying out some visual story telling and practicing scenery and backgrounds.

more random stuff.

As the title says, some character design and practice in general.

Firefall , fan art

Some paintings i made regarding the game firefall witch im in beta, i actually made some others, but they are crappy so i decided not to post them

Some of my starting paintings

Im trying to put these up in order of making, from the first paintings i made, to the last ones so i can maybe see my progress better.

beginning with, still life

these are my first still life studies in digital, im quite happy with the result.